If you get upset when someone says you are controlling, you just may be controlling. I find that most spouses are good-willed and don’t desire their spouse to feel restricted or controlled.
Now, I get it. There are some who are controlling, will never admit it, and continue to be demanding and difficult. If that is you, God can soften any heart. Here are 10 questions to tell if you’re too controlling in marriage.
10 Questions To Tell If You’re Too Controlling in Marriage
Well, how do you know if you might be controlling? If the answer is “yes” to a lot of these questions, seek God, pray for humility, practice following rather than leading, and become a safer and more enjoyable place for your spouse and others.
- Do I get angry quickly and easily?
- Do I get frustrated when things don’t go my way?
- Do I feel like I always need to be the decision-maker in my family?
- Am I regularly criticizing my spouse and other family members?
- Do I hate being told what to do?
- Am I quick to write someone off if they cross me?
- Do I like to advocate for my positions with others and/or on social media?
- Do I regularly have issues with my church, my kids’ school, my friends, or political leaders?
- Do I have trouble taking a back seat and just following?
- Do I feel like I always need to know who my spouse is talking to and what they are talking about?
Grace Marriage Mission
Review the ten questions above and genuinely consider how you should answer. Consider reviewing and discussing each question with your spouse.
Brad Rhoads is co-founder of Grace Marriage.