Have you ever felt overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done? Have you ever felt there is so much to do that it is hard to even focus? If so, you are extremely normal. The question is: How can we stay focused and effective amid storms of responsibilities and problems?
This mini blog will give you five tips to stay effective and focused while avoiding getting snappy and short with your spouse and others.
Spend Time with Jesus
Where do you find peace? The answer is: The Prince of Peace Himself. All the work, order, and success in the world will not satisfy you. Ultimate satisfaction only comes in Jesus. Plus, when you spend time with Christ, everything is put in perspective. You realize that these momentary problems are nothing when considering an eternity in glory with Christ.
Take Small and Complete Bites
Simply decide what you will do that day to battle all that needs to be done, and do it well. Make sure you don’t take too big a bite, and ensure you finish the entire bit you committed to completing. For example, if your house seems out of control, you might decide to clean out one drawer today.
Don’t Let Past Failures Drag You Down
If you have let your budget, your home, or your health get away from you, there is nothing you can do about what happened in the past. Simply start making incremental progress. As a friend of mine said, be a windshield person, not a rearview mirror person.
Don’t Have Two Bad Days in a Row
We all have days when we miss quiet times, are unproductive, and feel snappy. A key is to remember that God’s mercies are new EVERY morning. If you had a bad day, accept the forgiveness of Jesus, and make sure you don’t have two bad ones in a row.
Simplify and Systematize
First, do your best to simplify your life. If you can reduce obligations, pare down your schedule, and create more margin, it will go a long way toward battling overwhelm. For some, having a system to maintain order is a must. For example, you might pay bills every Saturday morning or exercise every morning before work. Typically, a good system helps people maintain good habits.
Staying focused on Jesus, remaining effective, and staying at peace is a lifetime battle, but it is a battle we all must fight. So, for your action item, think of one area where you want to replace overwhelm with order. Then, follow the five tips above to make progress on your goals.
Reflection: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” — Matthew 11:28-29

Brad Rhoads is co-founder of Grace Marriage.