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The Valley Friend

I have learned that people go through many peaks and valleys in life. One of the keys to a long-lasting relationship is giving grace and loving well during those valleys. There have been seasons where I’ve loved well and served with all my heart, and there have been seasons where I’ve fallen short in both.

Thanks to the grace of God, Marilyn and I have grown closer, even though we’ve both had tough years. Why? Because of grace. She extends grace to me in my rough stretches, and I try to do the same for her.

Now, I’m not talking about situations involving infidelity, narcissism, or abuse. In those cases, seeking protection and professional help is necessary. I’m referring to those times when one spouse isn’t thriving—when life is just hard.

I have a friend who has been struggling for the past few years. A difficult life event occurred, and the kindness, generosity, and joy that once characterized them were replaced by cynicism, complaining, and heaviness.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of withdrawing from this friend when they needed me most. Thankfully, my friend is now doing better (and is much more pleasant to be around). If I could go back, I would have kept reaching out, loving, and supporting them even through the tough times.

Action Item: Ask yourself—who in your life is going through a difficult time right now? Remember the verse from Ecclesiastes: “Pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.” Who can you help up, and what do they need from you?