How do you prepare for things you are excited about? Do you ever buy new clothes for the holidays? Do you decorate your house for birthdays? Do you search the internet for places you could vacation? All of these things are preparations you make because you are excited about what is to come.
Taking the time to connect and simply be together is vital to a healthy marriage. How do you prepare for date night with your spouse? Is it just another night on the calendar that sneaks up on you or are you intentional about it?
I would argue that the preparations we make in our hearts and minds before date night are just as important as the actual date. Here are five ways to make the most of your next date night.
1. Think
Start thinking about date night right when you wake up that morning. What am I going to wear? What conversations do I want to have? Think about your spouse and all their amazing qualities. Anticipate all the fun you will have with your spouse. Call or text them in the middle of the day to let them know how much you are looking forward to your time together.
2. Pray
Pray throughout the day. Pray that the Lord would bless your time together and give you a sense of connection that will bring Him glory. Pray that your conversation would be encouraging and uplifting to one another. Pray for peace between the two of you. Thank the Lord for your spouse and for giving you the time together.
3. Indulge
We’ve talked about date night ideas for married couples before. The point here is to indulge in “date night only” things. Maybe you only eat out on date night. Maybe you only (fill in the blank) on date night. This time to indulge will allow the excitement to increase knowing you will have something special for which to look forward.
4. Expect
Set expectations for date night before date night begins. For some couples, it might be best to decide whether you will be physically intimate after your date tonight? Will your conversation include the children or not? Date nights can be a no-fight zone, so talk about how you can diffuse any issues you’re having before you go out together. Set yourself up for a successful date night by being proactive before the actual date. We don’t want fights at the dinner table!
5. Commit
Pick a night for date night and stick to it. Things will always come up, but we find time for the things we prioritize in life. Date nights are a good thing to prioritize. You will never regret the intentional time you spend with your spouse. Commit to having regular date nights to invest in your most important earthly relationship.
Anticipation and preparation are ways we can make date nights even better. Investing time and thought into your marriage is a healthy and worthy goal. We should be excited about marriage and excited about date night for the opportunity to connect and have fun together. Too much of life is serious and rigid. Let’s anticipate the fun and enjoyment that comes with time together on date night!
Grace Marriage Mission
Walk through these five ways to make the most of your next date right now! Consider reviewing 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 in anticipation for your next date:
“Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not conceited, does not act improperly, is not selfish, is not provoked, and does not keep a record of wrongs. Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Grace Marriage Writer & Editor