Actively engaging in intentional blessings is a powerful expression of love and living on mission. It goes beyond managing finances together; it’s about making a conscious choice to spread joy and the love of Christ to those in need. In what ways are you and your spouse working together to bless others intentionally? Are you actively seeking out opportunities to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those around you?
Consider the various ways in which you, as a couple, can intentionally bless others. Whether it’s supporting a charitable cause, allocating a portion of your income to tithing, volunteering your time, or offering a helping hand to someone in need, these intentional blessings are a testament to your commitment to making a positive impact on the world.
Prioritize Generosity in Your Budget:
Take a bold step this season and in the years to come—create a dedicated line item in your budget for ‘intentionally blessing others.’ This deliberate financial commitment ensures that each month, a portion of your resources will be set aside for acts of generosity that resonate with both of you.
Choosing to intentionally bless others is not only a financial decision; but a commitment to living a purposeful and meaningful life as a couple. It’s an acknowledgment that the abundance you share is a gift meant to be given generously.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7
This verse from 2 Corinthians displays the importance of giving with joy and aligning your hearts to intentionally bless others. As a couple, let this verse be a source of encouragement to embrace the joy that comes from actively engaging in generosity, centering your life upon Christ’s mission for your family.
So, I ask you this, how can you and your spouse intentionally bless others this season?